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The Vicious Vortex of Palatably Promoting Poverty

The African-American population is disproportionately represented in the American prison system.

The African-American vote is also disproportionately in favor of Democratic candidates.

Democratic candidates are disproportionately in favor of dependency programs and the minimum wage law.

Dependency programs are disproportionately correlated with single-parent households.

Single-parent households are disproportionately associated with African-American families.

Adolescents of single-parent households are disproportionately associated with low household income, both of which are disproportionately connected with violent behaviorlow academic achievement and low self-esteem.

Low academic achievement is disproportionately tied to low income.

The minimum wage law disproportionately affects the African-American teen who's helplessly subjected to unemployment and then remains hopelessly mired in low self-esteem and a burgeoning dependency system which accomplishes nothing in the way of cultivating marketable skills.

Individuals with low academic achievement, low self-esteem, violent behavior and low income are disproportionately represented in the American prison system.

African-American men are disproportionately represented in this system, which leaves their children to perpetually stave off this statistical threat into perpetuity. Left unabated, this is a threat condemning children to a series of detrimental outcomes, various forms of poverty measured not only in wealth but in character.

So it appears through this sequence of logic that the disproportionate outcomes have been widely driven by a disproportionate proclivity of the African-American demographic for public policy peddled by Democratic, or neo-liberal, candidates and officeholders.

The perpetual struggle of this group may then be attributed to a gross misunderstanding of public policies' effects on the world and, more specifically, their own demographic. 


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